WORTHING HERALD - 4TH JULY 1925 - BAPTIST WORKER The Baptist community in Worthing has lost valued worker by the death of Miss Florence Ellen Biggs (daughter of Mr. James William Biggs and Mrs. Ellen Biggs, of " Fairlight" Valencia-road, Worthing). which occurred on Friday after a long and painful illness borne with great fortitude and patience. The late Miss Biggs, who was 41 years of age, was a member of Christchurch road Baptist Chapel and was also a Sunday School teacher at West Tarring Mission. The funeral took place at Heene Cemetery on Wednesday, the service being conducted by the Rev. W. Ridley Chesterton, assisted by Mr. W. 11. Bird, Prior to the committal service a short service was held at the house. The chief mourners were the parents, Mr. William Riggs (brother), Mrs. Sinither (sister), Messrs. John, Ernest and Edward Biwa (brothers), together with a large number of sympathisers. There were numerous !knit tributes, which included those from the family and other relative*, Mrs. Wellston' and Miss Welaford, Auntie Florrie, Douglas and Kathleen, Auntie Louie and Mabel, Uncle Will, Aunt Nellie and Kathleen, Mrs. Barron and Queenie, Mrs. J. Barron and Miss Rooky, the Misses Edmonds, Miss Gladys Painter, Nora Oak, Amy Jacob, Mr. and Mrs. Lambeth, Mr. C. Lambeth, Mr. and Mrs. Porter,. Annie," Mrs. Barr .Miss Rosa Courtier, Kathleen and Francis 4 Wilkins, Mrs. Inglis, Mrs. and Miss King. Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson, the Misses H. and B. Francis, Miss Eva Reesman, Miss Katie Waller, a few friends at Parkfleld-road, the staff at Woolston, the teachers West Tarring Mission t. School, Miss Biggs' clans at West Tarring, Pear Tree Green. and the Congregational S. School, Southampton.