Hendon & Finchley Times - 18th October 1907
Food Sale at Hendon - The annual food sale on behalf of the funds of Christ Church, Hendon, was held on Saturday at the Church House, under the superintendence of Mrs Gilbert. As a few articles remained unsold, the sale was continued on Monday, and we understand that a sum of £18 was realised. Members of the congregation and other friends responded liberally to Mrs Gilbert's appeal for contributions to the sale, and there was a varied assortment of cakes, tarts, vegetables, provisions, and other comestibles, which were very nicely arranged. The Misses Andrew provided the tea stall, and among others who assisted in the sale were Miss Growse, the Misses Langton, the Misses Thompson, Miss Silversides, Miss Burgess, Miss Cheales, and Miss Denman, of Finchley.
Hendon & Finchley Times - 23rd June 1922
Departure of Miss Silversides - A happy yet solemn ceremony took place at Christ Church, Hendon, at the close of the morning Sunday School on Sunday, when Miss Silversides was presented with a handsome carriage clock on the occasion of her retirement from the school through the departure of the family from Hendon.
Miss Silversides has been a teacher in the Sunday School for many years, and as a token of gratitude for her valuable work, and of regret at her departure, the teachers and scholars subscribed towards this gift. The presentation was made by Miss Growse, who spoke of the conscientious manner in which Miss Silversides had fulfilled her duties, and emphasised the great loss which would be felt throughout the school by the retirement of so valuable a teacher and friend.
Hendon & Mill Hill Times - 22nd January 1926
Death of a Hendon Vicar - the Rev. A.C. Clifford-Jones Passes Away Suddenly
...."Much to his regret, Mr C.W. Silversides was unable to travel from Worthing to the funeral, but he was represented by Miss Silversides, a very devoted worker at Christ Church for many years. There were also in the congregation many who formerly worshipped at Christ Church but are now removed from the parish."...