Female portrait placeholder image

Name: Brenda Sayers

Burial Number: 0401

Gender: Female

Born: 00/12/1899

Died: 00/12/1902

Buried: 27/12/1902


Brenda Sayers was born in Worthing; she was baptised at Heene on 3rd December 1899. Her parents were Samuel John Sayers, 48yrs, Carpenter, and Alice, 49yrs, nee Belton. She had 2 siblings, Frank, 6yrs, and Dorothy, 3yrs, the family lived at 5, Thorn Road.
Brenda died three weeks after her third birthday, she was buried at Heene Cemetery on 27th December 1902.

Researcher: Maggie Martin

The Grave

No headstone image available

Location in Cemetery

Area: SWS Row: 6 Plot: 11

Exact Location (what3words): tube.grants.wake

Ashes or Urn: Unknown



Brenda Sayers is buried under the headstone for Hugh and Jane Jones


"Thy will be done" In ever loving memory of my dear husband Hugh Jones who fell asleep 7th January 1928 aged 34 years. Jane Jones 15.8.43 aged 49.

Further Information


Name: Brenda Sayers

Gender: Female

Born: 00/12/1899

Town: Worthing

County: Sussex

Country: England


Maiden Name: Not applicable

No marriage information is available for this burial record.

Information at Death

Date of Death: 00/12/1902

Cause of death: Unknown

Address line 2: 5

Address line 3: Thorn Road

Town: Worthing

County: Sussex

Country: England


No obituary has been entered.

Personal Effects

Money left to others: No value recorded

Current value of effects: Not calculated

Census Information


Living at 5, Thorn Road, Worthing. Samuel Sayers, 50yrs, Carpenter, wife, Alice, 51yrs, 3 children, Frank 8, Dorothy 5, Brenda 1, cousin, Amy Pillault, 39yrs, single, General Servant.

Miscellaneous Information

No miscellaneous information is available for this burial record.